Summer Sessions 2023 Course Syllabus
Course: VNSG-1409 (Section: 1, CRN: 60634) Nursing in Health and Illness II |
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Instructor Information | |||||||||
Instructor | Melissa Smith | |||||||| | |||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6339 | ||||||||
Office | Allied Health - Room: 107 IV | ||||||||
Office Hours | Office Hours: As posted and by appointment | ||||||||
Additional Contact Information | |||||||||
Course Information | |||||||||
Description | Introduction to health problems requiring medical and surgical interventions. | ||||||||
Required Textbooks |
Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.
Additional Materials/Resources | Cuellar, Tina, (2018) HESI Comprehensive review for the NCLEX-PN Exam (5th ed.). St.Louis, Mo.: Elsevier ISBN: #978-0-3234-2933-7 | ||||||||
Corequisites/Prerequisites |
VNSG 1400 Nursing in Health and Illness I
VNSG 1227 Essentials of Medication Administration VNSG 1231 Pharmacology VNSG 1204 Foundations of Nursing VNSG 1261 Clinical LPN Nursing |
Learning Outcomes |
Reading: Demonstrates the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials. Writing: Produces clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience. Speaking: Communicates orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience. Listening: Demonstrates the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken language. Critical Thinking 1: Applies qualitative and/or quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter. Critical Thinking 2: Demonstrates the ability to evaluate arguments and construct alternative strategies. Computer Literacy 1: Uses computer-based technology to communicate, solve problems, and acquire information. Computer Literacy 2: Demonstrates an understanding of the limits, problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology. Intercultural Competence 1: Demonstrates awareness of similarities and differences between cultural groups. Intercultural Competence 2:Demonstrates the ability to recognize global interconnectedness. Intercultural Competence 3: Demonstrates a general knowledge of cultural evolution. |
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Program graduates will, under the supervision of a professional licensed nurse and/or licensed physician, function in non-complex settings and should be able to: PSLO 1.Function within the scope of practice for a vocational nurse. PSLO 2.Demonstrates safe, direct patient care with individuals who have predictable health care needs. PSLO 3. Exhibits professional nursing behaviors. PSLO 4.Cooperate with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to provide evidence-based care. |
Lecture Topics Outline |
Week 1: Review syllabus & objectives, Med administration/Dosage Calculation review, Phlebotomy Lecture, Phlebotomy practice, Phlebotomy check-off. Week 2: IV/IVPB lecture, IV/IVPB practice, IV/IVPB check off, ExamSoft Practice Test/Dosage Exam. Week 3: Injection Lecture, Injection Practice, Injection Check off Week 4: Surgery: Pre,Intra, Post Op Lecture, Cancer/Pain Lecture, Adult Musculoskeletal Lecture, Clinical/Simulation Syllabus and Orientation/Case Study Review, Clinical Facility Orientation Week 5: VNSG 1409 Exam #1, GI Disorders Lecture Week 6: Gallbladder, Liver, Pancreas Lecture, Skin/Burns Lecture. Week 7: Fluid & Electrolyte Lecture Week 8: VNSG 1409 Exam #2, Adult Diabetes Lecture Week 9: Adult Immunity/Infection Lecture, Adult Endocrine Lecture, VNSG 1409 Exam #3 Week 10: VNSG 1409 Final Exam |
Major Assignments Schedule |
Date:07/03/2023 Exam 1 Time: 0730 Date:07/24/2023 Exam 2 Time: 0730 Date:08/04/2023 Exam 3 Time: 1230 Date:08/08/2022 Final Exam Time: 0800 Computer assignments are due on an ongoing basis as scheduled. |
Final Exam Date | August 8, 2023 - 8:0 AM Through August 8, 2023 - 12:0 PM | ||||||||
Grading Scale |
Determination of Final Grade |
1. Examinations are based on course objectives. 2. Course content from the pre-requisite courses will be included on exams as appropriate. 3. All unit exams, including the Comprehensive Final Exam must be taken. Make up exams will NOT be administered under any circumstances other than a College sponsored event or with permission of the Allied Health Department Chair. Students scheduled to miss an exam due to participation in a College sponsored event shall provide appropriate documentation to faculty in advance of the exam and are eligible to complete the missed exam. If a student must miss an exam, they must contact the instructor prior to the exam or within twenty-four (24) hours of the exam. A “no-call/no show” for an exam will result in a grade of “0”. Students who miss an exam for any unvalidated reason shall receive a zero on the exam. Students may submit an appeal to this policy by presenting rationale to the Director or Coordinator of appropriate nursing program no later than two (2) business days following the exam. The student is responsible for seeking the exception from the Director or Coordinator of appropriate nursing program. Students who miss an exam due to an excused reason will be provided an exception to the policy and the student will be assigned the grade made on the final exam as the grade for the missed exam. If two exams are missed, the student will be given a zero for the second (2nd) missed exam. An alternative plan may be proposed at the discretion of the Director or Coordinator of appropriate nursing program and/or Chair of the Allied Health Department. The Director or Coordinator of appropriate nursing program will document all exceptions in the student’s file and notify the course leader if an exception is granted. 4. No exams will be given in advance of the scheduled date and time without approval of the Nursing Program Coordinator or Director. 5. Tests will be administered electronically. Students will be provided with- a. Exam Access Code sheet that also serves as a scratch sheet b. Exceptions for electronic testing may include paper dosage tests 6. Exams will be timed based on question format and course policy. The exam time frame will be provided on the Exam Access Code sheet. Students will only receive credit for answers provided during the allotted time. 7. Computer Lab: a. Students will arrive 5 minutes prior to designated location to sign-in for the exam. b. Students arriving 15 minutes late or more will be sent to student success center without additional time for proctored exam. c. Allied health staff member will call student success center to inform them of the student arrival for proctored exam. d. All students must wear student ID to access the testing computer lab e. Students will not test without Valid LSCPA ID. f. All belonging (e.g., backpacks, cell phones, electronic devices) will remain in an area outside of the computer lab for the duration of the exam. Students are encouraged to lock valuables in their vehicles during examinations. The Lamar State College Port Arthur Allied Health Department is not responsible for lost or stolen items left in the classrooms, hallways, or computer labs. Students are strongly encouraged to take exams as scheduled. No questions may be asked during the exam. Students who arrive late for an exam will not be given additional testing time. Students are prohibited from writing any notes on their scratch sheet of paper until the exam begins. 8. Exam Dress Code: a. Students will be subject to visual inspection by the exam proctor upon arrival to the registration and/or exam room. This includes but is not limited to inspection of the ears, hands/arms, clothing, pockets, etc. b. No head coverings of any kind are allowed, including hats, caps, beanies, or hoods. Exceptions are made for religious/cultural purposes. c. No cardigans, coats, jackets, or any other articles of clothing that may open are allowed in exam room. Pullovers without pockets are acceptable. d. Scarves and gloves are not allowed in the exam room. 9. During the exam: a. Drinking or eating are not permitted. Hard candies such as peppermints or cough drops are allowed but must be unwrapped prior to the start of the exam. b. Electronic devices (including but not limited to phones, smart watches, and earbuds) are prohibited during examinations. With the exception of approved earbuds for standardized testing. c. If the exam is interrupted due to technical difficulties additional time will be allotted for the exam. 10. Students are responsible for uploading their exam to the ExamSoft System prior to exiting the examination room. Student will notify proctor of the exam completion and exam upload completion. Proctor will view screen to confirm successful completion of exam upload before student leaves testing room. If a student does not upload their exam, they will be required to return to the examination room for a manual upload. 11. A primary score will be displayed upon uploading the exam to ExamSoft. After uploading their exam. Students are to sign out of the testing software. Upon completion of the exam, students will submit the Exam Access Code Sheet (scratch sheet of paper) to the exam proctor. Students who chose to review missed items will return to the registration room and wait for Exam Review with Rationale to begin at the designated time. NOTE: DO NOT wait outside of the exam room if any testing is occurring in the computer labs. Violation of the testing policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including possible dismissal from the nursing program. Appropriate adjustments are made for students who meet the criteria of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 12. Evaluation of Examinations: After each exam, the faculty uses psychometric principles to evaluate the examination. Items missed by 50% or more of the class are reviewed. If an item is found to be flawed, the faculty may give credit for more than one answer or nullify the item. That is, if a student answered the item as originally keyed, the student will retain the credit for the item. If a student’s answer differs from the one originally keyed, the student is credited for the nullified item. In other words, everyone gets credit for the item and no one loses credit. 13. Exam Review with Rationales is conducted after each exam to allow students to review incorrect responses and rationales for the exam item. With the exception of final exams. This session is time limited. Students will be allotted a specific number of minutes, based upon the length of the exam (for example, students will have 8 minutes to review missed items on a 50-item exam). Students are not required to attend Exam Review with Rationales. If a student chooses not to attend the Exam Review with Rationales session, the student is not eligible for an individual test review session with an assigned instructor. 14. Students will return to the same exam room and same computer for Exam Review with Rationales. Exam Review with Rationales must be conducted on the same computer as the exam. The same policies listed for testing apply to the Exam Review with Rationales Session. The following rules apply: a. All belongings must remain in the classroom or student’s vehicle. b. Students are not allowed to talk amongst themselves during this session. c. Students who arrive late for Exam Review with Rationales will not be given additional review time. d. Students will log into the Review with Rationales using the following steps: 1. Enter the Exam Password 2. Enter the Review Password NOTE: Students only have 3 attempts to enter the correct Review Password. Students are encouraged to request assistance from faculty/proctor after 2 unsuccessful attempts. 15. During the Exam Review with Rationales session: Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated. If students become disruptive, faculty will end the Exam Review with Rationales session for all students. Upon completion of the Exam Review the students will sign out of the ExamSoft or Examplify application and quietly leave the testing room. 16. If a student scores less than a “75” on a unit examination, the student is required to make an appointment with an instructor prior to the next examination. At that time, the student and instructor will review the examination and, with the assistance of the instructor, identify strategies to improve performance on subsequent examinations. If a student, who scores less than “75” on a unit examination, fails to review with an instructor, 5 points may be deducted from the next unit examination. Students are required to make an appointment prior to the day before the exam. 17. A minimum average of 75%, independent of all other requirements, is necessary to pass this course. Daily activity grades (discussion boards, classroom/computer assignments, etc.) will not be included in grade calculations until a 75% average on exams is achieved. No grades will be rounded until the final course average: this includes the weighted exam average. 18. The following method is used to determine each student’s grade in the course: Average with Daily grades Exam I 20% Grade Exam II 20% Grade Exam III 20% Grade Assignments __5 % Grade 65% Grade Final Exam 35% Grade 100% Grade 19. An average of 75% or greater is necessary to pass the course. |
Course Policies | |||||||||
Instructor Policies |
Attendance Policy |
Nursing in Health and Illness VNSG 1409 and the clinical component of this course may consist of class lectures, labs, and assignments. Schedules may be changed at the discretion of the faculty and vocational nursing coordinator. All attendance policies are in effect whether conducted online or in the classroom setting. Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. Policies for this course are described below: 1. Because poor attendance is a leading reason for termination from a job in all areas of employment, attendance at all scheduled classes is expected. 2. A student who is absent from course activities for more than two (2) days without notification to the faculty may be dropped from the program by the Program Director. Students on campus but not in class are considered absent. 3. Late arrival to class is disruptive. Students who consistently arrive after the beginning of the class (2 or more times) will be counseled and a plan of corrective action determined. Class will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Students who arrive fifteen (15) minutes after the beginning of class should not enter the classroom and should wait until break to enter. A student who is tardy two (2) times in one class will result in a 5-point deduction from the next exam grade. 4. It is the student’s responsibility to notify all Level 2 instructors of any absence. If the student is unable to contact the instructor(s), the student should call 409- 984-6356 or 1-800-477-5872 ext. 6356. The student should also email the faculty or call the faculty office and leave a voicemail. 5. In addition to notifying instructors, students must submit a Student Excuse Form, upon the first day of return, each time the student is absent, delayed from attending or must depart early from class, clinical or lab. Failure to complete the Student Excuse Form will result in a declaration of a ‘No Call, No Show’ for the number of days absent and may result in the student being dismissed from the program. 6. Lab jackets are to be worn at all times while in the skills lab. 7. Simulation/Computer Lab Assignments are mandatory. Failure to attend will result in a Zero for that assignment. The Program Director or Department Chair has the right to initiate the administrative withdrawal of any student whose attendance, conduct, scholastic abilities, attitude or lack of aptitude for Vocational Nursing making it inadvisable for that student to continue in the program. |
Additional Information | |||||||||
Institutional Policies | |||||||||
MyLSCPA | Be sure to check your campus email and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal. You can also access your grades, transcripts, academic advisors, degree progress, and other services through MyLSCPA. | ||||||||
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSCPA policies (Academic Dishonesty section in the Student Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||
COVID 19 Information | The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition directly to their local health department. Students should also contact their course faculty to report their quarantine status. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings when directly exposed to COVID 19 in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website. | ||||||||
Facility Policies | No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Use of electronic devices is prohibited. | ||||||||
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSCPA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. | ||||||||
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect | As per Texas law and LSCPA policy, all LSCPA employees, including faculty, are required to report allegations or disclosures of child abuse or neglect to the designated authorities, which may include a local or state law enforcement agency or the Texas Department of Family Protective Services. For more information about mandatory reporting requirements, see LSCPA's Policy and Procedure Manual. | ||||||||
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct | LSCPA is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct. All LSCPA employees, including faculty, have the responsibility to report disclosures of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault (including rape and acquaintance rape), domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence, or stalking, to LSCPA's Title IX Coordinator, whose role is to coordinate the college's response to sexual misconduct. For more information about Title IX protections, faculty reporting responsibilities, options for confidential reporting, and the resources available for support visit LSCPA's Title IX website. | ||||||||
Clery Act Crime Reporting |
For more information about the Clery Act and crime reporting, see the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and the Campus Security website. |
Grievance / Complaint / Concern | If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair. | ||||||||
Department Information |